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We held the first of our ‘Metaverse - International Student Project in a Virtual World’ course in Second Life. The course first introduced students to SL intro and avatar creation, and then introduced to use of basic tools in SL. Information was provided on ways to communicate in SL.

Afterwards, students gathered in the ‘WBH - International Student Center’ area. TUD, WBH team, course instructors and students came together here.

First, Liss (Wisdomseeker) from the WBH team made a brief introduction by introducing herself and the WBH organization. After Liss's speech, Thuja introduced herself and informed the students about the Digital Metaverse Mastery Certificate. She explained what the students had to do to get this certificate and the skills they would gain. Thuja also told the students that the clothes they will wear during the project period are in the preparation stage and that they will take lessons about using SL during the term.

After the introduction and opening speeches, the students divided into small groups and went to different parts of the WBH area. A number of questions were asked to the students in these regions and they were asked to give brief information about themselves. Students were asked the following questions:

1. What name do I want to use for this class when someone speaks to me?

2. Where am I from and what am I studying at my university?

3. What do I know about the metaverse?

4. Why did I choose to take this class?

5. What would I like to know about students from other university?

After the students answered these questions in different fields, they gathered again at the International Student Center and left. Later, our students came to our virtual campus, where Magua gave a speech to the students, including general information about the course. After this speech, our lesson ended.



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